He asks to take measures against the rise in prices because 2022 “may be worse” than the previous ones and demands “unity” from the opposition
The parliamentary spokesman for the Gomera Socialist Group (ASG), Casimiro Curbelo, has guaranteed this Wednesday that the ‘Pacto de Las Flores’ will exhaust the Legislature despite the “bad omens” predicted by the opposition in 2019.
“I feel free and firm to continue supporting this Government”, he indicated on the second day of the ‘Debate on the State of Nationality’, emphasizing that the Executive “cannot be judged” under the current circumstances and that he has not there has been a “better government” in a “worse moment” like the present.
Curbelo has established himself before the Plenary as “defender of the interests of the Canary Islands” and has urged the members of the Government to “work” for the people who “are having the worst time” in the remaining year and a half of the Legislature.
He has called on the opposition to join the Government to work “together” but not to be a message “to look good”, stressing that the pandemic crisis has been overcome with “public commitment” to sustain the welfare state and the private economic fabric.
Regarding immigration, he has pointed out that the State “was not up to the task at first” but it reacted well with the hotels and there are hardly “few” migrants left on the islands, while he has charged against the “deplorable lack of solidarity” of the autonomous communities to receive unaccompanied migrant minors.
Curbelo has criticized the “unsupportive selfishness” of the communities and hopes that the situation will be resolved through legal changes.
As for the Sahara, he has pointed out that “the important thing is the Canarians” but he understands that there has been an “obvious bankruptcy” in the institutional dialogue by not informing the Canarian institutions of the change in position.
He has indicated that he is not against a new “reflection” on the situation and has warned that “the world is changing” and it is not possible to continue maintaining immobile positions for 40 years.
Thus, he commented that it is necessary to maintain “good neighbor” policies with the African environment.
He has commented that it is a “miracle” that with what has happened in the last two years, the Canary Islands “have not gone bankrupt” and that the productive structure and the welfare state are kept “functioning” thanks to public aid. “The Canary Islands are on their feet, it’s enough, it’s not little,” she added.
As for La Palma, he said that the reconstruction “is a country issue” that must go through “unity” despite the fact that the elections are approaching, stressing that “no one is going to be left on the street” for having lost their living place.
He has not hidden that inflation, especially due to fuel and electricity, is a problem for the islands that could lead to shortages due to the transport strike and in this context, he has claimed the “historic opportunity” to guide the Canary Islands towards renewable energies .
Curbelo has warned of the “ghost” that tourism and therefore GDP may fall again and has highlighted that the “most important” measure to help commercial activity is the elimination of health restrictions next Thursday.
He has demanded a political and social pact to promote the development of public universities that includes a firm commitment to photovoltaic energy so that they reduce the electricity bill, which has tripled in the last year.
However, he has said that it is necessary to “prepare for the worst” in the face of the consequences of the war in Ukraine and without a “widespread” tax cut because it “disrupts” the economy of councils and municipalities and puts public services at risk.
In addition, it has indicated that it will not have repercussions on the consumer, although it has demanded the taking of measures to help the most affected economic sectors. “We have to make decisions and make them now, we can’t wait any longer,” she commented.
Along these lines, he has urged Torres to take measures in the Canary Islands, no matter how long it takes for both the EU and the State because 2022 “may be worse” than those who have already gone through the pandemic, hence why he has asked for “unity “to all political forces.
“This is not the time to do politics, it is the time to perform miracles,” he commented.