The Council of Tenerife will assume the financing of the action to reinforce and improve the Las Eras beach breakwater, in Fasnia with an investment of 533,885 euros, 427,108 euros charged to the 2022 budget and 106,777 euros to the 2023 budget.
This was announced by the president, Peter Martinwhich points out that the project, which already has the approval of the General Directorate of Coasts, “comes to respond to a historical demand from the municipality to improve bathing infrastructure in an area that has a large influx of users and divers thanks to the wealth of its funds”.
Martín has said that “the Cabildo continues to work to improve and restore the island’s coastline, hundreds of kilometers of coastline that need appropriate interventions for public use and become necessary” while adding that “in this case it is in Fasnia, but that are also carried out in other parts of the insular geography, in which the coastline, beaches and access to bathing areas are so important”.
The planned works will focus on the recovery of the beach breakwater to protect the bathing area from the direct action of the sea and guarantee the safety of bathers against the waves.
In this way, on the part of the Cabildo, the bidding file for the works is already beginning, which will end with the award of the same for these coming months.
The Island Director of tourismLaura Castro, has indicated that the Cabildo “works on the constant improvement of tourist spaces that need decisive impulses that guarantee the maintenance and conservation of resources for the enjoyment of people who live near them and also visitors” .
The action is financed by the Medi-Fdcan funds and is part of the investments planned in the ‘Tenerife and the Sea’ program, which aims to improve the island’s coastline and the quality of the tourist offer, thus guaranteeing the preservation and caring for natural environments and for which an initial budget of four million euros is planned for this year.
The Fasnia City Council has been in charge of carrying out the procedures for the necessary authorizations to be able to undertake the execution of the works and comply with the requirements set by the General Directorate for Sustainability of the Coast and the Sea.
In addition, once the work is received, you must take care of its maintenance.