The Council of Tenerife supports the incorporation of women to the island countryside. It does so within the framework of the Insular Agricultural Training Plan through a specific training program for women in the primary sector. It will offer courses in manipulating phytosanitary products and handling agricultural machinery, Branches in which female participation is “considerably lower than that of men,” says the Island Corporation in a community.
In addition to these courses, this month dissemination and awareness-raising and information actions on equality in the educational field related to the Tenerife countryside will be launched. The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Javier Parrilla, explains that “special emphasis will be placed on dismantling gender stereotypes related to the primary sector and rural areas, as well as the importance of having female role models.” In this context, the documentary Like her thousands, by the Canarian director Estrella Monterrey Viña, in whose production the Technical Service of Agriculture and Rural Development has participated, will be premiered. It will take place on the 24th in the auditorium of the Cultural Center of Alcalá, in collaboration with the City Council of Guia de Isora.
In addition to the courses, within the framework of the Agrofem project, in cooperation with Senegal and the University of La Laguna, activities for the exchange of experiences and networking will be carried out with Senegalese farmers and entrepreneurs from the rural area of Tenerife. The meetings of rural entrepreneurs stand out, which will take place in June and October, and the celebration of the Agrofem fair in Tenerife, in which the initiatives developed by women from the rural environment will have a leading role.
This year is also scheduled to preparation of materials for awareness, information and guidance in the incorporation of content related to equality in the field of agri-food companies on the island. These actions will make it possible to consolidate compliance with the decrees to guarantee equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in employment and occupation and that which regulates equality plans.