Some thirty processions and more than 50 religious images will once again fill the streets of the city with faith, devotion, art, history and culture. La Orotava in the next Holy Week. After two years of pandemic, the Christ of Health and the Christ of Forgiveness They will be the first to procession, on April 2 and 3, and religious acts will not stop happening in parishes, churches, chapels and hermitages in the villages. until Easter Sunday, April 17.
The Parish of Our Lady of the Conception This Thursday, March 17, hosted the presentation of the program and the poster announcing Holy Week 2022, which stars the Christ of Mercya carving with 437 years of history that will once again preside over the processional procession of The mandate, during the afternoon of Holy Thursday. The event was attended by the Mayor of Villero, Francis Linares, which reappeared after overcoming Covid-19; the priest Honorio Campos Gutierrez; the mayor Philip David Benitezand the president of the Venerable Brotherhood of Santa Vera Cruz y Misericorida, Juan Jesus Mesa Martinamong others.
have been edited 800 posters and 2,500 programs, by the Orotavense City Council. The Holy Week Mixed Commissionmade up of thirty representatives from all the brotherhoods and sisterhoods, the parish priests and members of the local government, is in charge of coordinating the entire program of worship.
There are still weeks to go before the processional marches resound in the streets of the Villa, but the acts of this Holy Week will officially start tomorrow, Saturday, March 19, in the Parish of the Conception, with the Via Crucis of the Fraternities and Brotherhoods. On Sunday the 27th, the reading of the proclamation, by Juan Acosta Padrón, is planned in the Church of San Juan Bautista. The 31st is celebrated in the Teobaldo Power Auditorium the Concert of Processional Marches by the Orotava Musical Group and the Band of Bugles and Drums of San Juan Bautista.
The Town Hall continues with the procedures to ensure that Holy Week in La Orotava, a benchmark in the Archipelago, be declared a Festival of Tourist Interest in the Canary Islands. The objective of the Villero Consistory and of the aforementioned mixed commission is to present the file that justifies this recognition before the Government of the Canary Islands “throughout this year”.
Among the most popular and crowded processions of this Holy Week, the one of the Lord of the Burrito, the Lord Preacher and the Christ of the Garden, on Palm Sunday; the Santísimo Cristo de la Cañita, on Holy Monday; the tears of Saint Peter, on Holy Tuesday; The Most Holy Christ of Humility and Patience, Holy Wednesday; The Mandate and The Holy Christ Tied to the ColumnHoly Thursday; The Meeting, The Calvary, The Holy Burial and the Procession of SilenceGood Friday, and the Blessed SacramentResurrection Sunday.
The splendor of these celebrations is also maintained thanks to the work of the brotherhoods and brotherhoods. Some centenarians, like the Brotherhood of the Blessed Sacrament of the Parish of La Concepciónthe first of the Villa, created in the year 1503; the Brotherhood of the Holy True Cross and Mercyfrom 1560; the Sacramental Brotherhood of the Parish of San Juan Bautistafrom 1681; the Brotherhood of the Venerable Slavery of the Holy Christ to the Columnfrom in 1758, or the Brotherhood of Calvaryfrom 1864, one of the most numerous of those that parade through the streets of La Orotava during Holy Week.
Palm Sunday
At 10:00 a.m., from the chapel of Mary Help of Christians of the Salesian school, after the blessing of palm trees and olive trees, the representative image of the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, popularly known as the Lord of the Donkey, goes out in procession to La Concepción. .
Holy Wednesday
At 8:00 p.m., the Holy Christ of Humility and Patience, a 17th-century wood carving attributed to members of the Garachico school, leaves in procession from the church of San Agustín, accompanied by the Virgen de los Dolores.
Holy Thursday
Procession of the Mandate from La Concepción at five in the afternoon. From the Parish of San Juan Bautista starts at 10:00 p.m. the procession of the Holy Christ Tied to the Column.
Holy Friday
Around 7:15 in the morning the popular Procession of the Meeting begins. Several images start from different routes to meet in the Patricio García square. From the Parish of San Isidro, at 12:00, procession of the Christ of Calvary. In San Juan, at five in the afternoon, procession of the Holy Burial and, at the end, procession from the Retiro to La Piedad. From La Concepción, at 11:00 p.m., Procession of Silence, which takes place in complete silence and by candlelight.
Easter Sunday
From the Parish of Our Lady of the Conception, at 11:30 a.m., the Blessed Sacrament leaves in solemn procession, under a canopy, with a shower of petals, the aroma of incense and the ringing of bells.