The Ministry of Health of the Government of the Canary Islands informs this Thursday that the Canary Health Service (SCS) will pay 100 percent of the amount of incentives for the variable productivity supplement linked to the achievement of objectives that are executed annually in the month of March.
This supplement is an extra payment received by SCS workers based on the fulfillment of annual objectives that each service agrees with its corresponding management.
This year, due to the effort that the assistance activity has involved, it has been decided that the entire staff deserves the maximum remuneration contemplated for each professional category, the Ministry details in a note.
This measure is adopted taking into account the effort and dedication involved in combining covid patient care with all non-covid activities carried out by all the Primary and Hospital Care centers of the SCS.
Thus, more than 35,000 workers will benefit from this remuneration supplement that is planned annually based on the fulfillment of the objectives agreed annually.
The incentive program contemplates the payment of 50 percent to the achievement of the general objectives of the directive center (hospital or health center) through the agreed management program and the remaining 50 percent to the fulfillment of the objectives in each service or care unit.
This is the second consecutive year that this decision has been adopted given the dedication that this sector has had during the two years of the pandemic.
In addition, it gives as an example the balance of activity in 2021, which places the consultations attended in Primary Care at 10 million and the performance of almost as many surgical interventions in 2021 as those carried out in 2019, before the pandemic, which demonstrates the effort made by both health professionals as well as non-health professionals assigned to each center.