Once again, a national news is making a mess to place each place in its correct place. Now it is laSexta’s turn, which in its midday news program has located Las Teresitas Beach in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Of course, the chain has been able to rectify and has published on Twitter its apologies for its error.
@Abubukaka says through his Twitter account: “The sand of Las Teresitas returning to Las Canteras.
Another user of the same social network, @javialogutpoints out that “So much complaining about Las Teresitas and it turns out that it is in Las Palmas. Then they talk about having better beaches and that…”
Another Twitter user, @cansinoroyalpoints out that “The beach of Las Teresitas, in Tenerife. I recognize it because the sand is from Gran Canaria”.