The delay in the completion of the construction of the industrial treatment plant in the Valle de Güímar Industrial Estate affects the activity of the more than 200 companies based in it. The need to reduce, until the next day 28, the amount of wastewater that is discharged into the sea requires the adoption of extraordinary and provisional measures, such as limiting opening hours, reducing normal operations and/or using chemical toilets, among others. . That day will expire the last renewal of the authorization to discharge granted by the Vice Ministry of Ecological Transition and that comes into force today.
It is one of the measures contained in the document that regulates the actions of the city councils of Candelaria, Arafo and Guimar to avoid further penalties for illegal dumping. Called the Plan of Stages, it is also part of the collaboration agreement that the three municipal corporations will sign with their counterpart in El Rosario, to use the industrial treatment plant that the Consistory of Rosario has in the Polígono La Campana. Agreement that they will sign at 9:30 am tomorrow.
The last extension granted by the Government of the Canary Islands to discharge into the sea from the Southeast industrial complex comes into force this Tuesday
Reducing the total pollutant load evacuated through the submarine outfall by partially evacuating the effluent at the entrance of the Valle de Güímar plant is essential. And for this, the involvement of the companies installed in the Polígono de Güímar is required. It is also necessary to transfer a part to the treatment plant of the Polígono La Campana (El Rosario), which can take on only 240 cubic meters a day. This determines the amount of water to be transferred. This week, the maximum number that the Industrial Wastewater Fire Station of El Rosario will receive will be 210 cubic meters per day and between the 14th and the 28th, up to 240. The transport is carried out from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. with tank trucks.
The Tenerife Island Water Council (Ciatf), a body dependent on the Cabildo, is responsible for the construction of the Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant (Edari) of the Valle de Güímar Industrial Estate, which executes a UTE. The next day 28 should begin to function in tests, for which previously it has to have the biological and physiochemical station in service. From the 28th, the wastewater from the Southeast industrial complex can be discharged into the sea with guarantees. The industrial treatment plant will be in the testing phase until next November 30.