The Association of Journalists of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (APT), on the occasion of International Women’s Day, calls for total and real equality between men and women in all aspects, but mainly in the workplace and within of our representation framework. Professional equality, wages and opportunities in all areas of public activity and, especially, in the exercise of journalism, will continue to be the great objective on which to concentrate efforts and alternatives.
Despite the progress achieved, it is still necessary to point out the salary gap that still separates women and men journalists, as well as the lack of equity in all professional levels, especially among managers of the media.
The APT, fully identified with the motto for this year’s commemoration, “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”, especially appeals to the will of editors and directors of media in the Canary Islands to take the necessary measures so that the Real equality ceases to be an aspiration and becomes, definitively, a reality. Circumstances prove that there is a fundamental link between gender, social equity and climate change and reaffirm that, without gender equality today, a sustainable and equitable future will continue to be out of reach.
The ‘glass ceilings’ and the salary differences that we continue to experience in our work environment cannot and should not continue to be justified. Real equality must be a collective aspiration in which men and women unite; Only then will our profession advance.
The APT also condemns the different forms of sexist violence, both physical and of any other kind, and remembers those who have been murdered for being a woman and those who have suffered or are suffering violence or discrimination because of their feminine condition.