The Tegueste City Council pact is up in the air again. Sí se puede (SSP) and United for Tegueste-Podemos, which are part of the government group, yesterday expressed in a statement their “concern about breaches of signed agreements, as well as the pact’s monitoring table, which mainly affect the budget and personnel areas.
SSP requested in 2021 the convening of the agreement monitoring table in Tegueste in view of the situation created around the Las Toscas gas station and to review compliance with the agreed program. Now the scenario is different, but the instability is repeated. “This has resulted on different occasions in having to urgently request a meeting of the pact table, in order to solve the problems generated, without, to date, having been able to correct them. All this is not allowing the initiatives launched by the departments that manage our parties to develop normally, “says the statement sent.
The local government is made up of the Socialist Party (PSOE), SSP, United for Tegueste-Podemos and Now Tegueste-Nueva Canarias. Of these, Sí se puede and Podemos show their “dissatisfaction with the way of communicating through the networks or the official page of this City Council”, and consider that “the work carried out is made invisible or many of our projects are attributed as their own ». And they continue along the same lines: «For all these reasons, we have decided to hold an urgent meeting between the two parties to jointly analyze the current situation of the Consistory, the breaches and commitments reached at the last table of the pact, trying to unblock this situation that allows the development of many projects of vital importance for the municipality and the neighbors».
The statement ends: «The result and the conclusions that we can reach in this meeting will be informed to the rest of the groups of the government coalition and to the mayor, to whom we will ask for an urgent meeting in order to find a definitive solution to these problems» .