After two years in which the pandemic has not allowed processions or acts to be held in the streets of La Laguna for Easter, this year work is being done on the possibility of resuming them, adapted to health regulations. This was stated yesterday by the president of the Board of Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods (JHC) of La Laguna, Juan Antonio Pérez, after the presentation of the poster announcing this 2022, the work of the artist Miguel Arocha, and which was also attended by the mayor of La Laguna, Luis Yeray Gutierrez; the secretary of the JHC, Antonio Regalado, and the episcopal delegate for the JHC, Norberto Hernández, among others.
“In principle, the idea is to recover all the processions,” said Juan Antonio Pérez, for which “at the moment we are studying a security plan, looking at the day-to-day evolution of the pandemic. The work that is done both from the Bishopric and the City Council is that there is a Holy Week within the new normality, but we will abide by the sanitary measures that exist at that time.
In this sense, work is being carried out, among other issues, on a series of recommendations for brotherhoods and fraternities “how to wear a mask for those who do not wear a hood”, as well as for costaleros and “we have done a study with music bands” he explained. “The most complicated moments are Holy Thursday and Friday, because that is when more people are expected, but we are making decisions in the Security Board so that it does not imply any danger for the brothers or for those who come to visit us,” he emphasized, to the time that acts are also prepared, like last year, inside the temples. “I think we should wait for something else to normalize (the situation) to have the greatest security in the processions,” he indicated, with which the idea would be to recover them if by then the Island is at level 2 or less, which he trusts. to be achieved in the remaining 40 days.
Yesterday, Ash Wednesday, the JHC presented the poster for the 2022 Laguna Holy Week, “one of the most important in our Islands, for its devotion, magnitude, beauty, history, artistic expression and reference to the passion of a people ”, affirmed Juan Antonio Pérez, who highlighted that the presentation of the poster “is an act of powerful affirmation and creativity, in the sense that it is much more than a work of art, it is also a symbol”. He announced that on the 11th the program of events will be presented, which will include a benefit concert for La Palma, on April 1.
Antonio Regalado highlighted the work and career of Miguel Arocha, who was dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the ULL in the 1990s and author of the 1998 Santa Cruz Carnival poster. “In this work we are presenting, Miguel he gives us a picture that breaks with what we had seen until then”, he emphasized. The author himself explained that “I proposed to present the urban setting of La Laguna, with the tower of La Concepción, as a gift”, with “many symbolic elements of Holy Week”.
Meanwhile, the mayor congratulated the author for a poster “so expressive and that reflects the brotherhood feeling of our Holy Week.” Gutiérrez recalled that, “one more year, we will be conditioned by the health reality” and called for “responsibility” to “extreme all security protocols.”