Today, if it weren’t for the pandemic, it would have been the first Friday of street carnival on Santa Cruz of Tenerife. If sanitary conditions allow Carnival it will arrive in 2022, but in June. Until then, what will we miss the most?
The approach of the transfer of dates to June by the City Council of Santa Cruz makes it not seem so impossible to celebrate the Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife 2022. Based on the first exhaustion data from the sixth COVID wave, as well as the different opinions that the end of the pandemic is near, the option of having a party in the street is already something more than a mirage, “if the conditions Sanitary allow it”.
Below, we mention some things that we will not do in the Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, for now, and that we will be looking forward to before the end of the year.
Going to the Chinese at the last minute for something you forgot
If something characterizes the carnival-lover at heart, it is going to the Chinese store to buy everything necessary to make their own costume. From January 1, the brainstorming begins, whether chicken or peacock, zombies or superheroes. Of course, the costume is prepared the day before.
Burn your fingers with silicone putting the last details to the costume
Every Carnival silicone becomes an essential. Four sores are nothing compared to a fun, well-fitting costume. Although of course, at four in the morning, after crossing the old San José street five times dancing and looking for those who have been lost, the silicone loses its strength.
Meet at one of your friends’ houses to dress up all together
The party does not start in the street. From the moment the group of friends gathers, it is noticeable, it is felt, the Carnival is in the atmosphere.
Get off by tram to Santa Cruz
Another tradition of the Santa Cruz Carnival is to go down by tram, and it is at this moment when one considers whether to go down with the platoon, because beforehand it is very early and the night is young, or whether to calculate the hours in which one can still move without elbowing the next door.
Stand at the door of McDonald’s
This is one of the strategic meeting points. It is more or less at the same distance for those who arrive by tram as for those who come by bus and it is the perfect starting point to plan the play. Here it is determined whether to start from the Plaza de España, from the old San José or whether to parade directly towards the Anaga.
Paponazo of dawn
After a night of partying, long runs and non-stop dancing, the paponazo has a special flavor. We cannot go home on an empty stomach and we have to stay in shape for the rest of the days of the best Carnival.

Stay, the same so as not to see you, in El Orche
Every year El Orche cafeteria experiences the authentic revolution of Carnival. In a interview granted to DIARIO DE AVISOS a few years ago, its owner assured that “we succeed because the music is not only merengue or reggaeton, but we can play Nino Bravo at four in the morning”.
Take the bus at 6 am with half the costume
It is also tradition to exchange parts of the costume or lose them along the way. When the time comes to return home, the one who was going to be Batman ends up as a bat man with butterfly wings and the one who was going to be Cinderella ends up being a princess with a cowboy hat.
Concerts in the Anaga all crowded
After these years of pandemic and with the corresponding health restrictions, we miss being in contact with other people, even if it is in front of the stage on Avenida de Anaga with everyone dancing and jumping to the rhythm of the music.
dance tidal wave
The Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife without Marejada, is not carnival. This song is a classic, a theme that has flavor and encourages everyone who listens to dance.