The Ministry of Ecological Transition, Fight against Climate Change and Territorial Planning of the Government of the Canary Islands has started the period of public information of the Canarian Climate Action Strategy, a document that aims to establish, in the long term, the set of specific measures for the contribution of the archipelago to the fulfillment of the commitments in terms of climate action.
This public participation process has been published this Thursday in the Official Gazette of the Canary Islands and will last two months.
Observations or suggestions may be made in person at the Government registry offices or in the other registries regulated by article 16.4 of the Law on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, or electronically at the electronic headquarters of the Executive , through the electronic general registration service (
In the latter case, it must be indicated in the header of the allegation ‘Public information. Canarian Climate Change Strategy’.
The initial document of the Canarian Climate Action Strategy can be consulted on the web portal….
The councilor José Antonio Valbuena pointed out in a note that “this is the framework instrument for regional climate action planning and its purpose is to establish the long-term contribution of the Canary Islands in complying with global commitments in terms of climate action, under the umbrella of European legislation and basic state legislation and that will be developed through the Canary Islands Climate Action Plan, the insular and municipal action plans for climate and energy and the Canary Islands Energy Transition Plan”.
Valbuena added that “this Strategy’s main objective is to turn the Canary Islands into a climate-neutral and climate-resilient society by 2040 and, to achieve this, it shows the way forward through the acceleration of decarbonisation in all economic sectors, the reinforcement of the adaptation capacity and the reduction of vulnerability to climatic impacts; intensifying action throughout society and the Canarian economy; attending at all times to the guiding principles of climate governance, socially just transition, zero emissions culture, knowledge of climate change and innovation and opportunities”.
The document establishes five strategic objectives: the reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and the promotion of carbon absorption; improving energy efficiency; the implantation of renewable energies; sustainable mobility and transport with zero direct polluting emissions and adaptation and resilience.
For his part, the Deputy Minister for the Fight against Climate Change and Ecological Transition, Miguel Ángel Pérez, indicated that “this strategy structures the fight against climate change from collective responsibility, in line with the policies set by the EU and Spain, but being 10 years ahead of the objective set by their administrations”.
Pérez assured that “this advance will contribute to improving the competitiveness of the Canarian economy thanks to the new opportunities that the energy transition represents”.
In his opinion, “this strategy sets out the economic and social transformations necessary to respond to the climate crisis, in a coherent and integrated manner, involving all sectors of the economy and of Canarian society and taking advantage of the opportunities that contribute to the improvement of competitiveness and modernization of the economy, while guaranteeing job creation, improving the quality of life of Canarian society and protecting the environment”.
All of this, he said, “pursuing sustainable growth and a socially just and inclusive transition that leaves no citizen behind”.
Valbuena has highlighted that in the development of this strategy, island and local administrations and experts from different areas have been involved in the various sectoral meetings held throughout its preparation to debate, analyze and collect proposals to enrich this initiative.
In this sense, the regional Executive has also convened sectoral meetings with other entities and with the two Canarian universities to make the document as participatory as possible.