A man, of whom no further information is known, was injured last night in a dispute between several people that occurred in the municipality of Los Llanos de Aridane, in La Palma, as reported by the Emergency and Security Coordination Center (Cecoes) 1-1 -two.
The event occurred shortly after half past two in the morning, when 1-1-2 received an alert reporting a fight between several people in which a man had been assaulted on Carlos Francisco Lorenzo Avenue Navarrese.
The Cecoes immediately activated the necessary emergency resources and a medicalized ambulance from the Canary Emergency Service (SUC), agents from the Los Llanos Local Police and the Civil Guard traveled to the scene.
The SUC staff evaluated and assisted an injured man, who was transferred to the General Hospital of La Palma due to moderate facial trauma. The Civil Guard instructed the corresponding proceedings and the Local Police collaborated with the emergency services.