Canarian Coalition questions the management of the PSOE municipal government and the mayor, José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga, in urban matters. The nationalist spokesman in the City Council, Óliver Tacoronte, perceives that the Socialists transfer to the plenary a greater number of matters related to that council when the one who attests and advises said body is the accidental secretary of the corporation. Tacoronte assures that «since 2018, in 15 plenary sessions with the titular secretary in charge of the sessions, the local government did not carry a single file on urban matters. However, with the accidental secretary, 38 files or emergency points were taken.
In an official statement, the CC councilor affirms that in said files “there are reports from the secretariat, from the technical, legal, necessity office and notes of conformity signed by the same person.” In addition, “we see that there are files that are concluded in days,” he adds.
Oliver Tacoronte clarifies that “we are not questioning the professionalism of any worker”, although, he explains, “it is, to say the least, striking that the urban planning files are always brought in full when the titular secretary is not there and the accidental one is.”
The spokesman for the nationalists from Adejeros insists on questioning the way in which the Municipal Socialist Group and the mayor act when transferring the files from the Urban Planning area to the plenary session. To do this, Tacoronte is blunt in ensuring that “they always wait for the vacations of the titular secretary to take them to the sessions.”