The Cabildo de Tenerife will allocate in 2022 more than 62 million euros for a safer and better preserved island, 16.4% more than last year.
The councilor of the area, Isabel García, commented that “the main objectives are the prevention and extinction of forest fires, the improvement and rehabilitation of infrastructure so that citizens can safely enjoy natural spaces and the continuous improvement of care for biodiversity”.
He also said that “the commitment to keep the island’s forests free of fires will be reinforced as of this year 2022, and for this reason it has wanted to open a commission for the management of the Coordinating Center of the Insular Operation in which, between 2022 and 2025, more than fourteen million euros will be invested”.
This entails, in the counselor’s opinion, “24-hour attention from the control center every day of the year and an increase in the number of personnel working on preventive treatments and the fire campaign to up to 200 people.”
On the other hand, Isabel García recalled that the Cabildo plans to renew the fleet of firefighting vehicles and invest in the acquisition of light machinery for the firefighting crews, as well as renewing and improving the hydraulic infrastructures that serve the firefighting teams in the territory.
The councilor emphasized the investments aimed at improving trails, viewpoints, forest trails, visitor centers, camps, recreational areas and suburban parks, which will exceed four million euros.
“It is the intention of the Cabildo to bring protected natural spaces closer to citizens, because contact with the environment brings health to citizens, and that is why we work to make all these areas accessible and safe, and that is why, among others investments we will improve the Chinamada highway in Anaga, the Masca jetty in Teno or the footbridge between Turrón and La Piedra also in Masca”, he underlined.
The budget to improve the planning of the insular network of trails, forest trails and the launch of a mobile application with information about them, routes, and other possibilities increases by 96%, which will almost reach one and a half million euros.
On the other hand, the area will continue to work on the control of invasive exotic species, including the plague of termites, which will receive one million euros.
García also highlighted two new initiatives in the area, the subsidies called ‘Biodiversity Corners’ for people or associations that develop environmental recovery and conservation projects and the creation of a canine unit through which poisons and toxic substances can be located in the environment, which can affect wild animals, such as birds, pets, or even people.
As for the Teide National Park, the minister pointed out that the management budget is almost five million euros, “one of the highest of the Spanish national parks”, and this year includes the completion of the Cañada Blanca Visitor Center , the demolition and renaturalization of the houses of the sanatorium, in addition to the installation of metal-wood barriers “to avoid the affectation of vehicles on the brooms and other species of flowers near the road” the investigation in the Park, and improvement of aspects for public use.
The budget of the security service increases by 38%, reaching half a million euros, in which the completion of the municipal emergency plans is contemplated, “that this year the circumstance may arise that the island of Tenerife has updated the plans of the 31 municipalities, which would be an unusual event that puts us at the forefront in terms of emergency forecasting in the archipelago,” said the island’s director of emergencies, Rubén Fernández.
Fernández also recalled that the area will work to improve the training of local civil protection groups and associations, in the implementation of the Insular Volcanic Risk Plan and in the drafting of INFOTEN, the new action plan for forest fires.