Caritas of Tenerife works in the search for accommodation alternatives for people affected by the volcanic eruption of Cumbre Vieja and has managed, after enabling parish facilities, has managed to house seven families with more than 30 people.
The entity emphasizes that many people continue to live on the island in “inappropriate” spaces such as garages, straws or even private vehicles.
In total there are already almost 500 families and more than 1,300 people (including 300 minors) who have received some type of help from the entity thanks to the contributions received within the framework of the Emergency and Solidarity Campaign with the island of La Palma.
Most of these people, who arrive at Cáritas referred by the social services of the main affected municipalities (El Paso, Los Llanos de Aridane and Tazacorte) lost their homes or had to be evicted due to the volcanic eruption.
The relocated people are provided with care and help to cover their basic needs for food and clothing.
Likewise, financial support has been given to families to purchase these necessities through supermarket cards and the implementation of solidarity bank cards.
In total, to date Diocesan Caritas of Tenerife has invested nearly 500,000 euros in carrying out all these actions.
In terms of Housing, the ecclesial entity continues to plan actions in the medium and long term and at an internal level, actions are being coordinated with the Caritas Archpriests of Los Llanos and Santa Cruz de la Palma for specific and comprehensive care for families affected by the volcano.
What’s more, FFP3 masks continue to be delivered in educational centers and institutes of the Valle de Aridane region.
At the same time, different awareness and accountability actions are carried out in schools, companies, religious congregations, parishes or foundations.
Cáritas Diocesana de Tenerife plans to continue reinforcing the actions that it was already carrying out on the island in terms of housing and employment and will strengthen its technical, psychosocial and legal team to respond to the needs that the people and families affected by this catastrophe are raising.
Along these lines, a new office for assistance to the victims has been opened in Los Llanos de Aridane.
The congregations of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul and the Camillian Religious, who will collaborate with Caritas in accompanying and supporting the victims, have also joined these actions.