The deputy of dc in the Congress of Deputies, Ana Oramasdefends next Thursday, February 24, a Non-Law Proposal (PNL) that leads to the Lower House the struggle of a mother from Tenerife for a rescue station in the north of Tenerife. The former mayor of Laguna thus transfers to Madrid the fight she maintains Natalie Gonzalezthe mother of Alea soldier drowned on the coast of Cross port in 2019, for the improvement of the emergency care resources at sea in this part of the island.
The NLP promoted by Oramas last September, which will be debated in the Development Commissionurges the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda of the Government of Spain to the creation of a permanent base post in the north of Tenerife that has a rescue vessel, of the type Salvamarwhich “guarantees, as is already done in other areas of the Island, a rapid and effective intervention that minimizes the response time and avoids the loss of human lives on this coast that is currently unprotected.”
Oramas recalls in his proposal that Tenerife has 342 kilometers of coastline that, in the north of the island, it is “more rugged and abrupt because, normally there, the sea beats with much more force and the current can be quite dangerous”. Despite this circumstance, the Tenerife Maritime Rescue Coordination Center does not currently have rescue vessels (Salvamar) or a permanent post in this area, “so that when an accident occurs and you receive notice, the resources have to be transferred from one of the base posts located in other three points of the Island that are at a distance quite far from the North”.
“We want to guarantee, as is already done in other areas of the Island, a rapid and effective intervention that minimizes the response time and avoids the loss of human lives on this coast that is currently unprotected”
The three Salvamares that Salvamento Marítimo has to date to protect the entire coast of Tenerife are: In Santa Cruz of Tenerife (East); on San Juan Beachmunicipality of Guía de Isora (west) and in The Christians, municipality of Arona (south). “Obviously, the distance and the character of the sea itself work against us when it comes to arriving in time to save lives,” concludes Oramas.
The nationalist deputy recalls that “on October 5, 2019, Alexander Torres Gonzaleza 23-year-old man from Tenerife, suffered a fall in The Riscos of Martiánez, in Puerto de la Cruz. He had gone to enjoy the coast in the company of his girlfriend who did everything possible to help Ale but, at that moment, the sea was rough and, despite his struggle to reach the coast, the young man was losing more and more strength in that fight with the fury of the sea. After giving notice, the search device was activated in which a helicopter from the Emergency and Rescue Group (GES) of the Government of the Canary Islands. No other media moved to the area. A rescuer climbed down from the helicopter to rescue Ale’s girlfriend from the rocks but, despite the insistence of the girl who pointed out the area where her boyfriend was, he did not come, according to the subsequent testimonies of the own affected”.
“Ale was a young man who at that time was pursuing a military career in light artillery at La Isleta, in Gran Canariato become Civil Guard. It was her dream. After three days of searching, her body was found near the Cross port. Since that fateful day, his mother Natalie Gonzalez He began a tireless fight to ask for answers and, above all, official solutions with the sole objective that the death of his son was not in vain. Also, he reported to the National Police and, subsequently, before the Prosecutor’s Office that the rescue operation at the time of the accident had been deficient.
Oramas adds that “given the lack of responses, a year and a half later, in May 2021, Natalia launched a campaign to collect signatures on the platform and, in just three months, there are already 30,000 registered signatures. This petition also has broad support and popular support, not only on the different social networks but through numerous personal messages that Natalia and her other two teenage daughters receive every day. With this petition, this struggling mother wants to take the Parliament of the Canary Islands the popular initiative bill of a maritime protection rescue post in the north of the island of Tenerife because of its danger and because this area currently does not have maritime rescue means or resources”.
“Natalie She knows that no action will bring her son back, but she insists that her greatest wish is that, with everyone’s support, another person, another mother, another father will not go through the pain and suffering of losing a child because there were no means. available to save his life”, concludes Ana Oramas.
Natalie Gonzalez assures EL DÍA that she is very satisfied with the involvement and work of Ana Oramas“which has achieved that our demand, which is for Ale and for the whole world, has reached the Congress of Deputies”.