The Canary Islands Health Service (SCS) will publish on March 4 in the Official Gazette of the Canary Islands (BOC) the resolution of the director of the SCS for the appointment of permanent statutory staff in the category of nurse, who has been awarded the places called in the 2018 selection process. Once the list of winners is published, the term for taking possession of one calendar month will open.
Likewise, it is expected that on February 28, the resolution of the General Directorate of Human Resources of the SCS will be published in the BOC, approving the list of selected applicants with an indication of the place awarded for the proposal for appointment as statutory staff. fixed to the address of the Canary Health Service.
In total, 1,259 request files for places have been received between the awardees and the reserve, currently in the phase of assessing aptitude and verifying requirements, through databases with different ministries.
In this selective process, 1,095 places were announced, of which 713 places are offered to the free access system, three hundred five 305 places to the internal promotion system and seventy-seven 77 places to the reserved quota of places for people with disabilities.
After the opposition phase was held and the curricular files of the applicants approved in the competition phase were assessed, the electronic procedure for requesting places was opened, in which the applicants have requested the places of their choice and the assessment of their aptitude for the Medical Inspection.