The president of the Cabildo de Tenerife, Pedro Martín (PSOE), has once again defended the governability pact signed with Sí Podemos in which the construction of the train in the south of Tenerife is rejecteda proposal that the opposition groups, CC and PP, are going to take to the plenary session of the Corporation.
The motion to promote the train from the south of Tenerife runs aground in the Cabildo due to “lack of consensus”
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“It is not a priority”, he pointed out to questions from journalists, stressing that it will not solve mobility problems in Tenerife and is one more “alternative”, very expensive and that it will not be financed exclusively by the European Union (EU). ).
Martín has said that “it is a multimillion-dollar investment, that no one believes that the European Union alone will pay for it, all the institutions, and the Cabildo as well, will have to put up money” and sees it as “unfortunate” that especially CC tries to “generate confrontation and spend the Government” when mobility issues should go forward with consensus.
In addition, he has criticized their changing position throughout the legislature because “they have said no”, after “yes a piece” in the Arona-Adeje section and now also “yes above all things”.
For Martín, the decision on this project should be agreed upon by all the groups, “it is the ideal” -he also mentions his partner, Ciudadanos- since the investment “can mortgage” the money for the mobility of the next mandates, for which rejects CC’s attempts not to negotiate but to seek how to “generate controversy and tension”.
Regarding the tram to the Tenerife Norte airport, he understands that there should also be an agreement with all the groups, affected neighborhood associations and especially the City Council of La Laguna.
On a private level, Martín defends the project but does not hide that “it has been left to be” waiting to find the most viable route. “I am a municipalist and you have to agree with La Laguna, that step is fundamental”, he has indicated.