The Cabildo prioritizes employment on the Islay considers the access of small and medium-sized companies to public procurement to be essential for its growth. The Vice President and Minister of the Presidency, Finance and Modernization, Berta Pérez, announces the approval of new social and environmental criteria to delve into responsible public contracting and further influence the development of Tenerife. The insular corporation has included different conditions in the public contract award process with the aim of promoting contracts in parallel to the access of SMEs and other social and solidarity economy companies to these new tenders.
Berta Pérez explains that “in order to facilitate this access to public contracts, the Cabildo has agreed introduce various clauses». These are aimed both at providing technical support and at making hiring conditions more flexible. In this context, this year it is planned to develop various training and advice actionsor with the aim, among others, of “ensuring that SMEs and social enterprises can submit their applications and offers in electronic format”, explains Pérez
“We want to define another framework to prioritize the exclusive value of the offers received”
At the same time, it is planned to adapt the economic and temporal dimension of the contracts and incorporate other changes related to the solvency requirements that SMEs must present, the reduction of guarantees or the terms for the payment of invoices, among others.
These new guidelines, which were approved by the Island Government Council, make it possible to delve into the development of responsible public procurement, so that both the Cabildo and the public entities that depend on it have a greater impact on development. socioeconomic status of the island and especially in the maintenance and generation of employment.
The insular director of Human Resources and Legal Advice, Lidia Pereira, announced, for its part, that once approved, the Cabildo will publish the Annual Contracting Plan both on the transparency platform and on the public sector contracting platform to facilitate its dissemination among interested SMEs and companies.
Among the social criteria to which priority is given is the creation of employment for people with disabilities and other assumptions of those with difficulties of any other type for access to the labor market.
“We will spread the initiative on all platforms to attract those interested”
At the same time, the projects of those bidders who undertake to incorporate a greater number of people for their execution, as well as to maintain employment or promote female work, will be valued, in addition to those who subcontract to special centers or insertion companies. As for the environmental award criteria, the incorporation of the commitment to use, during the execution of the contract, products whose commercialization and use have a lower impact stands out. Also the commitment to promote the use of products that have an ecological label. At the same time, priority will be given to those projects that contribute to reducing water consumption and improving energy efficiency. The objective is to change the mentality of supply to meet demand.