The mayor of Santa Cruz defended yesterday, in the extraordinary plenary session requested by the opposition in the capital city council, that the capital has led the numbers of COVID infections “despite what some media have published, something that is false.” The mayor intervened to point out that he has denounced on several occasions in these two years of pandemic that “data that are not the official ones of the Canarian Health Services have been used, data that has never placed us as the municipality with the highest number of infections . Only during this sixth wave, where cases have multiplied throughout Spain, have we been at the forefront of the number of infections.
“This City Council -continued Bermúdez- has never used this data to attack other municipalities that have been ahead of Santa Cruz in the number of infections, because we understand that in a context in which there are no mobility restrictions, you cannot target with certainty where the contagions have occurred.
Bermúdez also criticized what, in his opinion, has been a bad communication on the part of the Government of the Canary Islands, especially in the case of Tenerife, an island for which he said “the level rises very quickly, but to lower it it is done very slowly” .
From the opposition (PSOE, UP and Cs) the government team was questioned about the measures adopted to avoid contagion as well as the measures to mitigate the impact of COVID. The three groups raised specific issues such as the management of the pandemic, such as the suspension of the delivery of the toy cards that occurred from one day to the next in December, the authorization of the Carnival groups by Patrimony in state 4 of restrictions on them going to rehearse, or the measures taken in the Municipal Reception Center and in the winter resource of the same space. They did not get answers to most of these questions.
From the Government team, the first deputy mayor, Guillermo Díaz Guerra, pointed out that the only official data is that of the Canarian Health Service page, “and we have addressed the Government on several occasions to clarify that the data collected on that other website (Grafcan) are not official and misleading”. He defended that in the case of the areas managed by the PP, measures were taken such as closing playgrounds and calisthenics, that the contingency plan was drawn up for the reopening of the Rastro or that more than 800,000 euros were invested in security measures for schools.
For his part, the CC spokesman, Juan José Martínez, assured that, altogether, more than eight million euros had been invested in the implementation of different measures during the pandemic.