The pharmacy offices of the Canary Islands have issued 31,310 COVID-19 vaccination certificates fruit of the agreement reached between the Ministry of Health and the pharmacists’ associations of the provinces of Las Palmas and Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
only in the province of Las Palmas A total of 14,326 certificates were issued, while in Santa Cruz de Tenerife 16,987 have been issued.
The period in which more certificates were requested was between January 11 and 14, in both provinces, exceeding 1,900 impressions in a single day.
This measure, which facilitates access to this document for residents of the Canary Islands, has relieved the workload of health centers, which assumed this service when patients could not access the telematic resources enabled to obtain it. , the schools point out in a note.
With this initiative, Canarian pharmacists have once again reiterated their commitment to patients and users of pharmacy offices, as first-rate health agents.
To access this service in pharmacies it is not necessary to make an appointment and it is in person.
Schools have insisted on the ability of pharmaceutical professionals to alleviate the saturation of the health system due to the pandemic, as has been done in other autonomous communities, enabling them to carry out antigen tests and their positive notification to health authorities, facilitating effective control of the pandemic, as well as accurate management of sick leave.
Thus, they emphasize that they have “repeatedly” shown their complete willingness to face these measures and collaborate, as health professionals, in unlocking primary care, although the SCS has only considered the pharmaceutical network as centers for carrying out a purely administrative procedure. .
For the president of the COF of Las Palmas, Loreto Gómez, “the Canary Islands pharmaceutical network is undervalued by the administration”, while the president of the COF of Santa Cruz de Tenerife pointed out that they continue “trying” to verify the performance of the self-diagnosis test that, to date, has not been authorized by the Government of the Canary Islands.