The economic spokesperson for Nueva Canarias (NC) in Parliament, Esther González, has accused the secretary general of CC, Fernando Clavijo, of lying today about the 2021 budget execution of the Government of the Canary Islands.
Fernando Clavijo assured that the Canarian Government left 600 million euros of the budget of the Autonomous Community for 2021 unexecuted in the banks “at the worst social and economic moment in the Canary Islands.”
Esther González denounced that the leader of CC “is not trustworthy due to his ability to distort the truth” and lamented that the head of CC “has been strongly infected by the populist current, which led him to adulterate each and every one of the data offered, last Wednesday, by the Vice President and Minister of Economy, Finance and Budgets, Román Rodríguez”.
He censured the “misleading” exposure carried out by the leader of CC of the official data on the progress of the execution of the budget of the past year. While waiting for the definitive closure, which very possibly improves the figures available to date, Esther González said that 10,446.1 million euros were executed, 123.3% in relation to the initial budget of 8,474.2 million euros and 95.47% of the final budget, which amounted to 10,941.8 million.
Faced with the “post-truth” of Clavijo, the NC deputy confirmed that, in 2021, the Executive managed 1,971.9 million euros above what was initially budgeted and, in terms of GDP, stated that a quarter of the Canarian economy (10,446.1 million euros) was processed by the Canarian public administration.
“The 95.47% of execution is the best data of the last five years, although it bothers the head of CC”, observed Esther González. “An effort – she added – that also coincided with the second year of the global public health crisis, which in 2020 caused an economic zero never before faced in the Canary Islands.”
In 2017, González stated that execution was 95.2 percent. In 2018, 95 percent. In 2019, 92.3 percent and in 2020, 94.96 percent. The managerial work carried out by the Canarian Executive last year, in the opinion of the NC spokesperson, has a greater value as it is the highest budget, never before provided by the community.
The tax collection forecast was also exceeded, with an execution of 104.13 percent, an increase of 12 percent compared to the previous year. All this, without raising taxes and a collection of 2,291.9 million euros, as stated by the spokeswoman for Nueva Canarias.
In the opinion of Esther González, “the leader of the CC cannot be trusted because he has shown that he has an obvious ability to distort the truth thrown out by official sources and, in particular, the work carried out by NC in defense of the jurisdiction and interests of the Canary Islands in Parliament, contributing to the unanimity to defend even in the Constitutional Court the rights recognized in the Statute, the Constitution and by the REF”.
Also in the Congress of Deputies to dialogue and negotiate with the State Executive a Canarian agenda, which includes a substantial improvement of the budget items destined for the Archipelago in addition to the defense of the jurisdiction.