The City Council of Los Llanos de Aridane will exempt from the collection of municipal license fees and will discount 95% of the Tax on Constructions, Installations and Works to residents affected by the volcano who build in the municipality.
The mayor, Noelia García, explained that it is a measure to directly favor the economic situation of individuals and families and wants to be a relief for the pockets of those affected by the volcano. “Los Llanos de Aridane must continue to be an attractive municipality for residents, and for those who want to build here,” he said.
This exemption will apply to all constructions, buildings, demolition works, closure of lots and fences that are carried out on rustic land and, in addition, “as we cannot forget the agricultural sector, it will also include the reconstruction of the greenhouses that are lost as a result of the volcano,” the mayor clarified.
Noelia García Leal specified that the maximum bonus allowed by law for these taxes and fees will be applied, so that the cost of the license “is not a brake on residents being able to rebuild their future.”
Finally, he added that after the approval of said decree, they will request a second more extensive decree from the Government of the Canary Islands, which allows commercial reconstruction, as well as the construction of holiday homes or second homes on rural land.