The Court of First Instruction Number 1 of Guímar has issued an order in which it prosecutes the mayor of Candelaria and the president of the Fecam, Mari Brito (PSOE), for the alleged continued crimes against the environment and prevarication in relation to the wastewater discharges from the Güímar industrial estate.
In addition, the former mayors of Candelaria and Arafo, Gumersindo García (PSOE) and Juan José Lemes (CC), respectively, and the former mayor of Güímar, Luis Castro (PP), will also be prosecuted.
The car, of almost 100 pages advanced by the ‘Cadena Ser’ and made public this Friday, states that the mayors, “consciously and voluntarily”, omitted since the summer of 2013 the administrative actions to control and legalize the discharge of water residuals, something that they did undertake as of March 2017 when the criminal case was opened.
The judge points out that they also, “consciously and voluntarily”, allowed a “continuous and uncontrolled” discharge of wastewater from the industrial estate and the El Socorro and La Viuda urbanizations, “without purifying, treating or legalizing” and generating a “serious risk” for water and human health.
The magistrate now gives a period of 10 days for the parties to appear as a popular accusation (Izquierda Unida and Sí se puede) and the Prosecutor’s Office to present briefs of provisional qualification with a view to opening the oral trial if it is considered so.