Court Number 2 of Cross port has admitted for processing the complaint of the Prosecutor’s Office against the Santa Rita Home for alleged irregularities detected by the staff of the Canary Health Service who took charge of the management of this nursing home in the worst moments of the pandemic.
The prosecutor Carmen Ávila filed a complaint after learning of the numerous irregularities detected in the stage in which the Hospital Universitario de Nuestra Señora de Candelaria took charge of the covid-19 outbreak that affected this residence where some 600 elderly live together. Apart from the coronavirus outbreaks, health personnel warned of problems with the nutrition of some residents and the existence of scabies.
Now a process is opened in which the titular magistrate of this Porto court must summon those responsible for the management of the center to clarify whether or not there was a crime in their work, according to Cadena Ser.
In addition to the two outbreaks of Covid-19, in the report prepared by those responsible for Health, which the Ser released in July, and sent to the Prosecutor’s Office, it is detailed that problems of malnutrition and dehydration were detected, as well as irregular meal times. .
The Santa Rita Home Canary Foundation It has more than 300 concerted places, for which it receives significant amounts of public money, in addition to benefiting from numerous subsidies from municipalities that have neighbors welcomed in this private macro-center that was founded by the priest Antonio María Hernández, known as Father Antonio and who died in March. from 2011.