After knowing last week that the Supreme Court endorses that the brotherhood of the Slavery of the Santísimo Cristo de La Laguna does not admit women, a collection of signatures has begun through the web platform to “give free rein to the possibility that women form part, by their own desire, of Slavery, as an application of a fundamental right of equality with men”.
This is stated in the petition, under the title Acceso de las mujeres a la Esclavitud del Cristo de La Laguna, which, to date, has accumulated more than fifty signatures and which has been initiated by Carlos García, who in the petition itself He explains that he has withdrawn from said brotherhood due to these attitudes.
In the petition, it is argued that “this discrimination cannot be understood, in a clear anti-feminine bias, of allowing integration as is done in other brotherhoods and brotherhoods in Spanish territory.” “It is not understood that in the XXI century regulations are still being established and applied in disuse and with clear ultraconservative signs, not allowing the female gender to integrate and participate in associations and social groups directed and manipulated strictly by men, which impede social and citizen rights that women have to be equal and comparable with men -he continues explaining-. There is a social clamor for the total integration of women in any situation and place in which they deem it appropriate. Religion cannot be politicized and it must be updated to current times allowing the incorporation of the same”, he indicates. The Supreme Court has upheld the appeal filed by the Esclavitud del Cristo de La Laguna against the sentence of the Audiencia de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, which in 2020 agreed with Teresa Laborda, who for 20 years has led, along with other women, the struggle to be part of this brotherhood.