citizenship of Tenerife evaluates with an outstanding –9 out of 10– the attention of the staff of council in a service that in 2021 it served 193,112 people, almost 10,000 more, 5%, compared to 2020 when they were 183,508. The influence of the pandemic has been noted as evidenced by the fact that 70% of the records were made electronically. The Minister of the Presidency, Finance and Modernization, Berta Pérez, highlighted the high degree of user satisfaction when taking stock. As he explained, “it is the result of the effort to improve the service to citizens and adapt it to the new needs and restrictions imposed by Covid-19.”
The counselor, who has been accompanied by the Island Director of Modernization, Daniel González, assures that the results of the satisfaction survey, with 2,917 participants, “allow us to gain momentum to improve and advance even further in the development of a process.” Remember that “it began in 2020 within the Modernization Plan and the idea of equipping ourselves with a much more advanced model of care for citizens than the one we currently find”.
The counselor has also highlighted the recent achievement by the Citizen Attention Service of two certifications, the EFQM+200 and the UNE 170001-2. They endorse, he points out, “excellent, innovative and sustainable management, as well as advances in universal accessibility, both physical and communication-related.”
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Pérez insists that “these certifications are a point and continued in a work that we are going to continue to enhance citizen attention.” Among other improvements, it has announced the expansion of the number of communication channels and the integration of the same information in each one. He explains that “we have three (telephone, electronic and face-to-face) and we want to implement mobile applications, social networks, chatbot or instant messaging; We’re already working on it.” Another novelty will be a personalized service so that when a citizen contacts, their circumstances are known to help them better.
At the same time, it seeks to segment the information and adapt the language, according to the group to which the person served belongs. “A young woman cannot be treated in the same way as an older woman or a businessman or an intern” explained Pérez.
Daniel González, for his part, highlighted the significant increase in electronic registrations compared to face-to-face registrations, going from only 15% in 2019 to 63% in 2020 and reaching 70% in 2021. The main subject of consultation, both In telephone and face-to-face service, it has been the electronic processing, specifically the procedure to obtain the electronic certificate and the passwords. Thus, during 2020 the Cabildo citizen service processed 34,162 certificates, and in 2021 the figure increased by 27 percent, to reach 43,463. González has influenced the good results of the established appointment system with which it has been possible to reduce the wait, of just over a minute, and improve punctuality. The time it takes to make that appointment is reduced to just over a day.