Dancing, drinking bottles and not respecting the rules of level 3 in an illegal ‘rave’ in Tenerife

Agents of the Civil Guard belonging to the Rural Patrol of the Company of Playa de las Américas proceeded to dissolve at dawn from Sunday to Monday an illegal party type rave in which some 70 people participated, most of them young people between the ages of 25 and 35.

As reported by the Civil Guard, the aforementioned illegal party was being held in an area near the Playa del Bonito, belonging to the municipality of Arico, a place in which a vehicle with a computer and mixing table displayed lights and speakers of large dimensions.

At the time when the Civil Guard agents appeared in the place, the participants were dancing and consuming alcoholic beverages without using the mask or respecting the rules on social distancing and limit of attendance of people in the spaces corresponding to the current alert level 3 established by the competent authorities in relation to the spread of the COVID-19 virus on the island of Tenerife.

Finally, the Civil Guard agents dissolved the party and made a total of 45 sanction proposals for the various breaches in relation to current regulations regarding the current health situation and 3 sanction proposals for violation of Law 4/2015 of Protection of Citizen Security.

In addition, one of the participants in the party was also arrested as the alleged perpetrator of a crime against public health, who received doses of two types of narcotic substance (cocaine and MDMA), as well as cash divided into different types of banknotes.

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