Trasmediterranean Arms Shipping Company has scheduled four extraordinary trips tomorrow, New Year’s Day, on the express service from capital to capital that connects Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Santa Cruz de Tenerife by sea.
On January 1, high-speed ships Tagoro Volcano and Taidía Volcano There will be two additional departures from each port, one at 1.30pm and the other at 4.30pm. At mile 26 they will cross at a cruising speed of 36 knots.
That day, coinciding with the start of 2022, Naviera Armas Trasmediterránea has another four departures scheduled from each port, in addition to the aforementioned reinforcement, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The duration of the trip by sea between the two Canary Islands capitals aboard the catamarans is one hour and 40 minutes.