Los Realejos Town Hall It is once again carrying out its initiative of free mobility by shared taxi during the dates of the Christmas commercial campaign. From the afternoon of this Thursday, December 23 until Wednesday, January 5, the Department of Commerce and Transportation make available to the public the Camel taxi, which in this edition will be affected by the restrictions by the Covid-19 in the island of Tenerife, “Which reduce the possibilities of the number of occupants of these vehicles,” as explained by the Councilor for Transport, Alexis Hernandez (PP).
The Councilor for Commerce, Adolfo González (PP), stresses that “now more than ever, due to a social commitment to the local economy and the difficult situation derived from the health emergency, we invite royal citizens to buy in the municipality, in our shops with a heart, with a close, safe and friendly treatment. with amenities. And, without a doubt, this initiative of the Camel taxi It comes again to facilitate all this, with free mobility between shopping areas.
Travel between La Cruz Santa, Realejo Alto, San Agustín, Icod el Alto and Toscal Longuera It will be free for those who wish to move this Christmas between the different royal businesses. “In this sixth edition of the Camello taxi, different due to the health emergency, we can continue to approach local businesses with guarantees and without using our car to do our Christmas shopping,” says the mayor of Los Realejos, Manuel Dominguez.
«We will once again have the possibility of going like royalty in taxis with municipal licenses that will make transport circuits between the commercial areas of The Realejos as a single commercial district and at no cost to users, with the exception of the limitation of occupants: two in the case of five-seater vehicles and four in the case of eight-seater vehicles, unless they are cohabiting “, Domínguez details.
Due to the health situation, the capacity of the vehicles is reduced to two and four people
As in previous years, start and wait stops will be enabled at various points in these areas where customers can get on these shared taxis, “but they will also be able to access these vehicles if we find them circulating on the routes established for each line, which makes the service more accessible and comfortable” .
To identify the taxis participating in the initiative, the Department of Commerce has redesigned some magnetized badges that will be placed on the front hood of each of the vehicles, on which appears a king’s crown and the text Camello taxi. At the respective stops there are identifying banners or fences.
The hours of the service will be in sections of opening of the local commerce, that is to say, between 9:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. and from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.. On December 24 and 31 and January 5, the service will only be provided in the morning.
There will be two lines: line 1, green, covers the route between Icod el Alto and Realejo Alto, and line 2, fuchsia in color, runs as a circuit between La Cruz Santa, Realejo Alto, San Agustín and Toscal Longuera.