The Roads area of the Tenerife Council announces that as of January 2022 it will begin to improve the deteriorated road surface of the TF-21 road between the municipalities of La Orotava and Santa Úrsula, popularly known as the Humboldt Highway, for the existence in the area of the viewpoint that bears the name of the geographer, astronomer, humanist, naturalist and explorer born in Berlin. The first vice president and counselor of Roads, Enrique Arriaga (Cs), highlights the importance of this action on a road that is used daily by “an average of 11,000 vehicles”, and which shows a notable deterioration on the road surface.
The island administration has awarded the superficial rehabilitation works of the TF-21, as it passes through the municipalities of Santa Úrsula and La Orotava. in a section with a total length of 4.7 kilometers. The intervention has an execution budget of 1,464,880 euros, which in the future it will be complemented with another contribution of 597,000 euros for the construction of a new roundabout at the nearby junction of the TF-217 and the access to the TF-5.
This island road supports the daily traffic of an average of 11,000 vehicles
Enrique Arriaga placeholder image stresses that this section of the TF-21 insular highway is one of the most densely trafficked, since it serves as a connection between both towns and, in addition, in some areas it has become an important artery for the restaurant and catering sector. trade in the north of the island. In his opinion, it is an action “very necessary given the deterioration of a road surface that has already exceeded its useful life”, which is why it presents potholes, cracks and numerous partial repairs.
The insular director of Roads, Thomas Felix Garcia, informs that the forecasts for the area are that the work “be completed within a period of five months”, which will be completed around June 2022. With this intervention over almost 5 kilometers it is about “improving driving comfort, as well as increasing road safety on our roads “, adds García.
The superficial rehabilitation of the pavement of the insular highway TF-21 is co-financed by the Insular Administration in the Multiannual Strategic Framework of Actions for the Development of Tenerife (MEDI), in its specific program for Roads, as well as by the Government of the Canary Islands within the framework of the Canary Islands Development Fund (Fdcan).
This restitution of the tread layer of part of the TF-21 joins, as highlighted from the insular area of highways, «To many other actions that are being carried out in the rest of the island of Tenerife, such as the comprehensive rehabilitation of the road surface that is being carried out on both the South highway (TF-1) and the North highway (TF -5).
A new roundabout
The Cabildo also announced this week an investment of 597,000 euros, together with the Santa Úrsula City Council, to execute the new 30-meter diameter roundabout that will eliminate a black point for road safety at the junction of the TF-217 with the access of the TF-5. This intersection is a common destination for users of the TF-21.