The Cabildo de La Gomera and the island’s Health Services Management have presented this Friday the free PCR service for resident students who return for the Christmas holidays.
This control and prevention measure has been promoted to stop the advance of Covid-19, especially in those groups that have greater mobility between the islands, as is the case of students who are trained in educational centers on other islands or in other points of the European territory.
The president of the Cabildo, Casimiro Curbelo, valued the initiative that is being launched as a necessary measure to prevent infections, “at a time when concern is growing about the escalation of positives in islands like Tenerife, which have a constant link with La Gomera “.
For this reason, he asked to respect the health protocols to “not give the capacity that irresponsibility is felt at a Christmas table, because otherwise we would have problems and a negative impact in the social and economic sphere.”
In addition, he said that in La Gomera “there is an efficient response from the health field thanks to the professionals” and indicated that the start of the third dose vaccination will be extended next week for those over 50 years of age.
“We are contributing everything we can to advance immunization and soon we can get out of this epidemiological reality,” he said.
The manager of the Sanitary Services of La Gomera, Guacimara Barrera, explained that the service will start up next Monday until January 7 and it will not be necessary to have a prior appointment.
In this way, the multipurpose room of the Hospital de La Gomera has been enabled to carry out the PCR tests, from Monday to Friday, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
“The situation of the coronavirus worries us. As the president said, we have daily connections with Tenerife and the risk is evident, so we have thought it appropriate to offer these tests so that those students who decide to spend Christmas in La Gomera do so in a safe, taking into account the end date of the classes in the university centers, “said Barrera.