The National Police have arrested four sub-Saharan Africans, alleged patrons of the cayuco rescued in the south of the island of La Gomera on December 6, as alleged perpetrators of the crimes of injury, reckless homicide and favoring clandestine immigration. The detainees are in preventive detention.
The twenty sub-Saharan migrants, of legal age, who were occupying the rescued boat moored at the San Sebastián de La Gomera dock had a very deteriorated state of health as a result of the conditions in which the crossing had been made.
One of them, due to this bad condition, was transferred by helicopter from La Gomera to the Ntra. Sra. De Candelaria University Hospital in Tenerife. Five more migrants entered the Hospital of the Colombian island. Unfortunately, the death of a man who was traveling in the rescued boat was to mourn.
Given the seriousness of the events, the protocols established by the National Police were immediately activated to travel to the island of La Gomera, initiate the timely investigation and the process of identification and assistance of the rescued migrants.
The agents, after the investigation carried out, were able to prove that the boat left the Mauritanian city of Nouakchott at dawn on November 29 and that, among the migrants traveling in the cayuco, were the patrons of the boat.
The National Police agents specialized in the matter, based on the inquiries made, proceeded to arrest the four skippers of the boat, alleged perpetrators of the crimes of serious injuries, reckless homicide and favoring clandestine immigration.
The detainees, together with the report made for this purpose, were made available to the competent judicial authority, ordering the custody of those arrested. The actions have been carried out by national police officers of the Provincial Brigade of Foreigners and Borders of the Provincial Police Station of the National Police of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.