The Minister of Public Works, Transport and Housing of the Government of the Canary Islands, Sebastián Franquis, began on Monday the processing of the Order by which the creation of extraordinary emergency aid to help pay the rent to dozens families affected by the La Palma volcano who have lost their homes and thus guarantee them a home temporarily while their houses are rebuilt.
With the creation of this aid, which was already announced by President Ángel Víctor Torres during the celebration of the Mixed Commission for Reconstruction, Recovery and Support to La Palma held last Wednesday, it responds mainly to the demand of numerous families who lost their usual home during the eruption and have been renting for weeks to help them cope with these expenses.
“It is about opening a line of rental aid that complements the other aid that is already being implemented, such as the purchase of houses or the installation of prefabricated houses to meet the housing needs of families affected by the eruption”, the counselor pointed out.
Sebastián Franquis added that the interviews carried out by the technical team of social workers with the evicted have been drawn to the conclusion that there are numerous families who have lost their homes, who already live in a rented house and who prefer to have their rent paid. for a more or less long period of time in a place where they are more adapted and more comfortable, to be given a temporary home in the areas provided for the purchase of these new houses.
This new line of specific rental aid for those affected by the volcano will be managed through the Canarian Housing Institute (ICAVI) and is part of the package of measures that the Government of the Canary Islands is implementing to address the housing emergency suffered by many families from the Aridane Valley who have been left homeless by the eruption. To launch this aid, the Ministry will provide ICAVI with an initial contribution of 3.2 million euros distributed over the next three years.
The rents will be paid to those affected who are already listed in the single registry of victims set up by the Government of the Canary Islands and who manifest it in their registration, therefore, they will not have to carry out any new procedure to request them. All families registered in the single registry that justify having lost their usual home due to the eruption and provide proof of payment of the rent will be entitled to receive this aid, for a maximum period of 36 months.
Both owners of homes destroyed or declared uninhabitable, as well as tenants who lived in a house that was their habitual residence and was also destroyed or declared in ruins as a result of the eruption, may apply for this aid. In this case, in the case of those who were renting before the eruption, the aid will consist of the payment of the difference between the income of the previous rental and of the new home, also for a maximum period of 36 months.
The Ministry estimates that these emergency rental aids will begin to be processed at the end of this month and will be paid quarterly upon presentation of proof of payment. The maximum amount that these aid can reach may not exceed the amount of 6.6 euros per useful square meter and month per dwelling, according to the prices established by the State System of Housing Rental Indices for the municipalities affected by the eruption. . In this way, it is established that the maximum aid to be paid to each family will be up to a maximum of 594 euros per month.