Canary Coalition (CC) requests the island government tototal disruption of the Playa de Las Américas Casino and the incorporation of 50% of the room and cashier staff that remains affected by the File of Temporary Employment Regulation (ERTE), due to force majeure, for 20 months. The nationalists in the Insular Corporation explain that the measure is proposed in order to restore normality and restore working conditions in this public company.
With this, the nationalist formation supports the request of Base Trade Unionists and their representation in the works council of the Casino Playa de Las Américas, that the facility be fully reopened, which is currently closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.
From the perspective of nationalists, “there are no objective reasons to continue with this partial closure, since the establishment complies with all covid-19 regulations and there has been an increase in the influx of tourists in recent months.” At the same time, CC emphasizes that the current measure is causing damage to workers affected by the ERTE, “since they have seen their income cut in half during the last 20 months.”
The preventive measures established in the Casino Playa de las Américas to avoid contagion risks by covid-19 They offer the necessary sanitary guarantees for customers and workers, making it possible to fully reopen them. “We are talking about an establishment that has many jobs, that brings benefits to the Cabildo and that is a highly demanded leisure alternative in the south of Tenerife.” With these premises, from CC it is valued that «it is essential that it is at full capacity in the winter season since that would also avoid the economic damage that the Casinos are generating to the island Corporation as a result of the impact of the covid-19 in its activity, “says the CC-PNC group in the Cabildo.
“The refusal of Pedro Martín, president of the Cabildo, to comply with the request of Base Trade Unionists is not understood, since not only the workers are being harmed, but also the clients, who show their complaints because an area of the tables of game remains closed and because the establishment closes on Mondays and Tuesdays ». This is stated by the Canarian Coalition, from which it is stated that “we hope that he will reconsider and restore normality as soon as possible.”
Grassroots Trade Unionists also warned against establishing proportional vacations for working time since the opening of the Casino Playa de las Américas Gaming Room on July 30, which “in practice means working overtime, prohibited in the government decrees that regulate force majeure in companies ”.