The Noble Hall of Aand La Orotava town hall It hosted on Thursday evening an act of tribute to the 19 teachers who are retiring this year and who have taught in schools in the municipality. The event is held on the occasion of Teacher’s Day, and it has been carried out for nine years in which more than a hundred professors professionally linked to the Villa have been honored.
The event was chaired by the mayor of La Orotava, Francisco Linares, and María Victoria Martínez, president of the Alisios Cultural Association and godmother of this ceremony, who during her speech highlighted the fundamental work of the teacher in society and the multiple values that help to generate in the process of education. The event was also attended by other members of the municipal corporation, friends and relatives of the honorees.
The teachers received a gift representative of their profession: a metal statuette depicting a teacher giving classes and the student attending from his desk. The honorees this year are María del Carmen Rodríguez Jorge, from CEIP Domínguez Alfonso; José Luis Ledesma León, from CEIP Santa Teresa de Jesús; María Estela González Quintero from CEIP San Agustín; Antonia Rosa Cámara Correa from CEIP Infanta Elena; María Dolores Socas Acosta, from the CEO Manuel de Falla; Mercedes Vargas Barrera, from CEIP Nuestra Señora de la Concepción; Fabiola Afonso Delgado and Julia González Hernández, from CEIP Inocencio Sosa Hernández; José Nicolás Mederos González and Antonio Calzadilla Torres, from the San Isidro Salesian school; Leonor González Ribal, from IES Rafael Arozarena; José Carlos Martín Collante, Mercedes Tena Sirvent and María del Carmen Regalado Marrero, from IES Villalba Hervás; Manuel Díaz Rodríguez, Manuel Díaz Rodríguez, from IES Mayorazgo; Inocencio Vicente Cascón, from the EOEP of the La Orotava Guidance Team, and María del Pilar González Duranza, Antonio Jesús Sánchez Cárdenas and Ángel Rodríguez Sánchez, from the IES Manuel González Pérez.
Francisco Linares He remarked “the value of the work of being a teacher: his role, commitment, knowing how to fulfill as a good guide, contributing to enrich training and personally, helping to grow as great people … Thus, and from his own experience , I know that the profession of being a teacher is one of the most beautiful and important in the world. It can contribute to having a more educated society with good values ”.
The mayor congratulated all the honorees this year, and wished them the best for this new stage in their lives. Along these lines, he stated that “it is important to celebrate events such as this recognition: a gesture to thank this exemplary work for so many years.”
Also in Puerto de la Cruz
The Lido de San Telmo of the Costa Martiánez Tourist Complex, in Cross port, also hosted this Thursday the Portuense tribute to teachers that this year, after decades of work in favor of the development and progress of multiple generations of Portuenses, put an end to his career. The honored teachers were from the Adult Education Center, Guillermo Delgado Dorta; from the IES Agustín de Betancourt, Víctor Ventura Molares, Francisco José Morales Trujillo, José Luis Armas Peraza and Juan Antonio Díaz Hernández; from the IES María Pérez Trujillo, Benigno Mejías López and Marta Isabel Ramos; from CEIP Punta Brava, María Teresa González del Rosario; CEIP San Antonio, María de los Ángeles Expósito Hernández and María Pilar Barroso, and CEIP Tomás de Iriarte, Abraham Felipe González and Juan Luis Lorenzo.