Manuel Domínguez formalizes his candidacy to preside over the PP of the Canary Islands

The president of the PP of Tenerife, mayor of Los Realejos (Tenerife) and regional deputy, Manuel Domínguez, presented his candidacy this Friday to preside over the Popular Party of the Canary Islands, after announcing last week the so far president, Australia Navarro, that I would not repeat in office.

María Australia Navarro presents her resignation to the Presidency of the PP of the Canary Islands

María Australia Navarro presents her resignation to the Presidency of the PP of the Canary Islands

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Domínguez has formalized his candidacy under the motto Together, with the “will to unify” this political formation and the objective of governing the Autonomous Community.

“I am not coming here to fail,” announced Domínguez, who has not wanted to confirm or deny whether he has the backing of the national leadership.

In this regard, he replied that he is “a hierarchical person” who respects “the structures” and, therefore, has communicated to Genoa his intention to “take the step”, but no national leader has publicly spoken about his candidacy, he explained .

Manuel Domínguez considered that the leadership of the party should be decided based on the capacity of the people, not their place of birth, when questioned about the possibility that sectors of the party in Gran Canaria prefer that the presidency falls to someone from that island .

“The party has to grow”, there must be “a rebound”, and the best thing is to undertake this task “from within”, united and “all to one” the 39,655 affiliates, Domínguez said in the presentation of his candidacy.

Shaping the organic structure of the PP of the Canary Islands in the regional congress, to be held on January 22 and 23 in Tenerife, is the first step to achieve the objective, which is to govern, said Domínguez.

The candidate for president also defended “opening the doors” of the party to people who have gone to other political formations guided by “siren songs”, because the PP “is the vehicle” to implement “the policy that the Canary Islands need “.

“We will be able to govern if we stay together,” insisted Manuel Domínguez, who has not wanted to advance names of possible people who would make up his team.

Asked by the president of the PP of Gran Canaria, Poli Suárez, has praised his career and has trusted that it is within the motto Together that it advocates.

Manuel Domínguez insisted that he is “aware of the difficulties” that exist in the PP of the Canary Islands and that if he becomes president he will have to make decisions “that will not please everyone”, but insisted that the January congress should be “the first step “to govern in the Canary Islands.

First he hopes to convince the 39,655 members of the PP of the Canary Islands to climb that step and then the citizens of the Canary Islands that the PP is the best project for the islands.

Manuel Domínguez recalled his 25-year career in the PP, a party to which he joined in April 1996 at the age of 22, and affirmed that his aspiration at the head of the party is to combine a project with a vocation for government to achieve “a better Canary Islands in a Spain better “.

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