The Canary Islands have provisionally registered 323 new cases of COVID-19 in the last 24 hours, so the total number of cases accumulated in the Islands since the beginning of the pandemic is 102,810 with 3,474 active, of which 32 are admitted to ICU and 207 remain hospitalized. Likewise, in the last hours the death of a person in Fuerteventura has been reported.
As reported by the Ministry of Health of the Government of the Canary Islands, the Accumulated Incidence at 7 days in the Canary Islands stands at 91.18 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and at 14 days in 169.08 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. In addition, to date a total of 2,390,830 diagnostic tests have been carried out in the Islands, of which 5,278 correspond to yesterday.
By islands, Tenerife today adds 141 cases with a total of 48,811 accumulated cases and 1,458 epidemiologically active cases; Gran Canaria has 39,310 accumulated cases, 139 more than the previous day and 1,516 active. Lanzarote adds five new cases with 7,474 accumulated and 134 epidemiologically active; Fuerteventura has 5,070 accumulated cases, with 31 new cases, and 301 active ones.
La Palma adds five new positives so it has 1,219 accumulated and 46 assets. El Hierro does not add new positives, so its accumulated are 469 and one asset. La Gomera adds two new cases, has 456 accumulated and 18 active.
The Ministry of Health recalls that these data published today on the Grafcan portal are provisional and are pending validation by the Public Health teams on Monday, the 29th. In this way, the dynamics of the Alerts and Alerts Coordination Center is followed. Emergencies that the Autonomous Communities do not receive epidemiological information on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
Therefore, the data may vary once they are epidemiologically reviewed and consolidated by the General Directorate of Public Health according to the established protocols, so that in the coming days discrepancies may arise in the updating of the data contained on the Grafcan website.