The Governing Council of the Canary Islands authorized this Thursday, at the proposal of the Ministry of Public Administrations, Justice and Security, the modification of the contract for the telephone citizen service through 012 for an amount of 3,636,166.0 euros, taxes included, for this year 2021.
The current 012 telephone service contract was signed on April 10, 2019 for a duration of four years for a total amount of 38,113,453.20 euros, IGIC included.
Last year, by Order number 247/2020, of December 29, the contract was modified by emergency route for 3.55 million euros to meet the inescapable obligation to guarantee the service of attention to citizens due to the increase in the number of calls and their duration from May 2020, an essential service to prevent and remedy the damages derived from the Covid-19 health crisis, making it impossible to modify the contract already signed by the ordinary legally established procedure.
Thus, in 2021 the annual figure of the initial contract has also needed to increase for the same reasons as in the previous year since the use of the telephone as a means of citizen information, the increase in the duration of calls, the campaign of COVID vaccination and other services that have required telephone support such as collaboration with ERTE aid and other extraordinary aid
Once the modification is approved, in accordance with Law 7/2020, of December 29, on the General Budgets of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands for 2021, and given that this exceeds two million euros, the Government will report to the Parliament of Canary Islands of spending authorization.