The spokesman for the Nationalist Group, José Miguel Barragán, has said that the budgets are not prudent with income, nor are they balanced, nor are they even oriented so that the Canary Islands can come out of the crisis.
In the presentation of the amendment to the whole in the debate of the first reading of the 2022 accounts, he lamented the loss of weight of investments and the lack of budget execution in “key areas” of the Government.
He has said that no body that makes economic forecasts agrees with the Government of the Canary Islands and Spanish and that the prudence exhibited by the Government “is not real”, given that the recovery “is slower” and complicated. “And what I see is joy, that more funds will arrive,” he commented.
Barragán has pointed out that there will only be tax revenue “if there is economic activity” because “money is not manufactured”, and if only public spending is considered “someone will have to pay the bill.”
He has denied that in 2021 there has been an economic comeback with the only good news of the ERTE, “which is the responsibility of the Government of Spain”, and has missed fiscal incentives to maintain companies and jobs and a line to encourage consumption.
In addition, it has warned of “chaos” in the housing area due to the discrepancies between PSOE and ASG and of the “alarming” lack of execution, which is “bleeding”, while it has affected the high rates of youth unemployment and long-term duration. “This is not growing together,” he pointed out.
He has condemned that the Government does not reach 5% of GDP in education or meet the objective of places from 0 to 3 years, while he has missed more funds for universities and remarked that the commitment to the ecological transition “is a bluff”. “When will they go from words to deeds?” He asked himself.
Barragán has also pointed out that “there is a lack of management and drive” in the area of Agriculture and social services, he has criticized the breach of the law, with third sector organizations “bankrupt” and the errors in dependence “a clamor”.
Regarding European funds, he pointed out that the Government has chosen to invest in the public sector and not to “put money on the street”, while pointing out that “it is not worth” repeating items in investments for islands that are never run.
As for La Palma, he is in favor of a budgetary reinforcement and that the compensation to those affected take into account the real value of the assets, but he does not agree with the 100 million or in the way they are budgeted.