The Noble Hall of the Council yesterday hosted the tribute of the island of Tenerife on the occasion of the Insular Day of Crafts, that this year fell on three working women of the palm leaf, specialized in the art of traditional headgear. Amalia Negrón Manrique, Carmelina Brito Romero and Agustina Jiménez Dorta received, from the president of the insular institution, Pedro Martín, a distinction for their trajectory throughout a lifetime.
In the event, along with the families of the honorees, the counselor of the area of Employment, Socioeconomic Development and Foreign Action, Carmen Luz Baso, and the representatives of the political groups of the Cabildo María José Belda, from Sí Podemos; Efraín Medina, from CC, and Zaida González, from PP. The meeting was joined by the Minister of Employment, Socioeconomic Development and Foreign Action, Carmen Luz Baso, and the insular director of Socioeconomic Development, Ermitas Moreira.
«The value of the effort they put in, the tenacity, what they did with their hands, almost without knowing it was a contribution to the cultural heritage of the people of Tenerife and throughout the Canary Islands, “said Pedro Martín, who added that” we can see this hat work anywhere in the world, but not like this one. ” And he continued: «I thank you, as president of the Cabildo, for that effort, that work and that heritage that you have bequeathed to us; I hope we will be able to collect what they give us and continue to value it for future generations. He concluded by saying: “It will be terrible, infinite clumsiness, to forget what you have left us.”
For her part, the insular councilor Carmen Luz Baso pointed out that “in the Cabildo de Tenerife we are aware of the value of each of the objects that are finished in the artisans’ workshops; That is why we are strongly committed to ensuring that this collection is maintained, promoted and disseminated ”, adding that“ we do it through close contact with all of them, with workshops in schools, with fairs and exhibitions and with awards ”.