For yet another year, the Los Realejos government group (PP) was left alone in the approval of the 2022 budget, which reaches 31,337,480 euros, an amount that represents an increase of 3.92% compared to the previous year .
The new accounts boost human capital, that is, the hiring of personnel, the promotion of employment and the Neighborhood Plan, without forgetting social spending, a chapter to which 4,596,828 euros are allocated, an amount that represents 15% of the total.
However, these benefits were not enough to get the support of the two opposition groups in the plenary session held yesterday: the Socialists voted against while the CC-PNC abstained.
The intention of the government group is for the economic document to come into force on January 1, confirmed the mayor, Manuel Domínguez, who defined it as “the best possible for Los Realejos” and broke it down in a subsequent press conference with the councilor. of the Treasury, Darío Pérez.
In this context, he underlined “the clear historical commitment to human capital”, that is, to fill vacant positions and the creation of new ones after a negotiation between the City Council and union representatives to approve a new List of Jobs ( RPT) that allows to respond to the existing deficit in the local Administration. To this end, Chapter I, relating to personnel costs, has been increased by 706,594 euros.
Darío Pérez placed special emphasis on the Neighborhood Plan, the program under which the annual package of public works and improvements in infrastructures of the different centers is coordinated, which for the next year has 2,629,632 euros that will be distributed in different actions . Among them, the mayor highlighted the reform of the squares of Icod el Alto and La Cruz Santa, the fitting out of the cafeteria of the Entrepreneur’s House, improvements in roads such as Los Pinitos, Siete Fuentes streets or San Agustín, Tinerfe and Tedote , El Mocán and El Secadero, adaptations in the Center for Integral Attention to People with Disabilities, in the UTS of Palo Blanco or culminating the project of the Casa del Motor.
He also made reference to other projects that are currently in the drafting phase, such as the rehabilitation of the streets El Viñático, El Calvario, Callejón del Burro, Viera and Clavijo in its upper section, La Isleta and La Magnolia, Las Rosas, la reform of the Plaza de La Montaña; the replacement of the lawn at the Los Príncipes football stadium; the creation of an urban park in Los Potreros or the promotion project in the Los Afligidos area.
Regarding the reform, conditioning and improvement works (RAM) in the eight public schools in the town, they do not appear budgeted in the document but they will have an investment of close to 400,000 euros that will be effective with the first credit modification , in February of next year, once the cash surplus left from this year is known.
The PSOE presents 52 amendments to the document, all rejected
For the Socialist group, the main opposition party, the 2022 accounts are far from being what the municipality deserves. For this reason, he presented 52 amendments to yesterday’s plenary session, all of them rejected by the local government of the PP.
The five councilors, Miguel Agustín García, Elisa Llanos, Juan Manuel García, Melissa García and Tanausú Lorenzo, explained after the plenary session their negative vote for a “continuity” budget whose 60% comes from external financing.
Thus, they criticized the “excessive” spending by the government and its advisers, who take a million euros and the decrease in key areas such as Social Affairs, Health, Civil Protection, or for the information and communications system. There is also no commitment to the primary sector and the Farmer’s Market, “which is still closed and for which not a single euro is expected in 2022” but instead there are 80,000 euros for the manager of the Security Observatory, a square newly created, when there is a deficit of local police, according to the PSOE.