The non-profit association North trade winds, founded in 2019 by a group of businessmen, professionals and citizens of the north of Tenerife, organizes next December 2 in Cross port a meeting in defense of the interests of the region and to promote “the union of civil society” for the benefit of this part of the island. Alisios aspires to give a common voice to the North and to channel the most consensual demands of civil society, “without political affinities or defense of particular interests,” according to its president, Iván Rodríguez de Azero.
Alisios Norte will organize in The Gañanía, at 12:30 pm on Thursday, December 2, «A forum to reflect and defend the interests of the north of Tenerife». An event that aims to “remove consciences and promote actions aimed at improving the living conditions of the inhabitants of this part of Tenerife.” To generate a change that they consider necessary, they will have the assistance of the coach Rudy bormans, an expert in communication and motivation, who will offer “some keys to foster individual commitment in the interests of a common goal, which in the case of the North could translate into the necessary union of interests to raise awareness and address, from the civil sphere, the current socio-economic situation in this part of the island ”, highlight the organizers.
This group emphasizes that it works to implement “definitive actions that allow finally put an end to the inequalities suffered by the citizens of the north of Tenerife». One of its working tools are opinion forums that “serve above all to propose effective and urgent solutions to the current needs of this territory, beyond the usual words and promises.”
Iván Rodríguez de Azero emphasizes that this entity wants to be “a necessary and useful speaker”
Iván Rodríguez de Azero emphasizes that in North trade winds they aspire to become «the necessary and useful speaker to convey to institutions, the media or any other entity with the capacity to make decisions, a clear message of unity in the search for solutions to issues as entrenched as mobility . On this specific issue and given the very serious problem that citizens who move to the metropolitan area suffer daily, we cannot continue to settle in the resigned complaint. From Alisios Norte we demand the attention of politicians, competent administrations and society in general to work urgently on viable alternatives to alleviate traffic on TF-5».
This association also sets its sights on employment, infrastructure, socio-cultural development or agriculture, among other issues. North trade winds encourages “all people in the region interested in moving from complaint to action” to participate in this forum. Tickets to the event can be purchased through the platform Tickety. All profits will go towards the purchase of food for disadvantaged families, «which will be distributed in the next campaign of Christmas».