The Local Police of La Laguna will travel with teddies in their vehicles to combat the emotional impact that minors may suffer when they are involved in critical situations. With this initiative, which is part of the police force itself, it seeks evade them from those traumatic incidents, such as road accidents or family violence, generating for them a climate of greater affection and closeness despite negative circumstances.
Until now, the agents only had their own resources to tackle this type of event, when the reality is that they can take care of the little ones for hours. Latex gloves in the form of balloons or lanterns were some of the materials that were normally used to try to calm and distract children who are assisted by people they do not know in an environment that causes distrust, insecurity and fear.
To reduce the tension they suffer in these contexts, the Local Police already has more than twenty soft toys, duly sanitized, to be touched and hugged by minors, which will reduce negative emotions in those extreme moments thanks to the use instruments that are familiar and attractive to them.
The Councilor for Citizen Security, Alejandro Marrero, highlights that “proposals like this reflect the human quality of our staff.” The mayor highlights that, with «this simple action, it will be possible to further humanize the attention of the police force in critical situations that could mark children, creating a much friendlier and closer environment, as has been demonstrated in those territories in which this measure is already being carried out ». For this reason, he adds that from the area “we support the implementation of this initiative.”
The Local Police has achieved the collaboration of an entity that, selflessly, has donated a total of 29 stuffed animals. Alejandro Marrero, as representative of the responsible Department, appreciates their “generosity” so that they can be incorporated “as soon as possible” to the patrol vehicles and the services of reports of La Laguna.