The Popular Party of Puerto de la Cruz ask the Government of Spain to invest ten million euros from the General State Budgets (PGE) in the improvement of the tourist city in 2022. After having presented the accounts prepared by the Government of Pedro Sanchez, the PP of Porto, through its formation deputies in Congress, has presented four amendments to improve Jardin Beach and Martiánez Beach, the creation of new parking spaces and actions to eliminate architectural barriers.
“After studying the dire accounts proposed by the PSOE,” as underlined by the PP, “a battery of specific amendments for the city have been presented, which have been accepted by the national leadership of the Popular Party.” These proposals are the recharge of sand and the improvement of the breakwater of Playa Jardín, budgeted at 2 million euros; the promotion of the city’s parking network, endowed with 4 million; the improvement of the Martiánez beach, with 3 million more, and various accessibility works in tourist areas, with a million more. Four amendments promoted by the popular ones to relaunch “the motor of the north of the island of Tenerife”.
The president of the PP in the tourist city, Angel Montañés, considers that this intervention shows that his party “works positively for the locality” and that it is the only political formation that “is worrying that the municipality has investment from other public administrations.” According to Montañés, “the local government of Marco González”, made up of PSOE and ACP, “He continues to party permanently and does not fight for the people of Porto”.
Two other amendments request an investment of 5 million euros in parking and accessibility
This initiative of Popular Party, which has the support of the national deputy Ana Zurita and the local committee of the popular people of Porto, intends to solve some historical deficiencies and unblock projects that the State has been idle for more than 15 years. This is the case of the long-awaited work to improve the Martiánez beach, which in July 2020 suffered a new setback due to the expiration of the project’s environmental impact statement, which was announced by Costas in 2006.
This expiration forced a good part of the administrative procedure to start over, which since 2018 was only pending the signing of an agreement between the State, the City Council and the Cabildo. In 2006, the General Directorate of Coasts announced that it would invest 5 million euros in a new reform of the coastline and the Martiánez beach. After a tortuous process, the environmental impact statement was approved in October 2011 and its budget was raised to 8 million euros. In the last ten years some complementary actions have been carried out, such as the canalization of the ravine that ends at the beach, but the project is not finished.