The order of the magistrate judge Francisco Borja Abeijón gives way to the abbreviated procedure in which he indicates as investigated the former mayor José Alberto González Reverón (CC), as well as those who accompanied him as members of the Local Government Boards in both terms: Manuel Barrios Rodríguez (CAN), Daniel Martín Navarro (CAN), José Luis González Rodríguez (CAN), Alfonso Barroso Armas (CC), Félix Sierra Melo (PP), Juan José Alayón Beltrán (CC), Antonio Luis Sosa Carballo (CC), María Candelaria Padrón González (CC), Jesús Ramón García Hernández (CC), Martina Melo Melo (CC), Miguel Ángel Méndez Fernández (CC), Francisco Enrique Toledo Hernández (CC), Manuel Reverón González (CC) and Antonio Miguel García Marichal ( CC), the only one with an organic position at present (municipal secretary general of the Canary Islands Coalition).
In addition to not indicating the classification of the presumed crime for which they are being investigated, although he mentions various examples of prevarication, the judge transfers the order to the Public Prosecutor and the accusations in order for them to “make an accusation” and “request the opening of an oral trial ».
The procedure followed so far has investigated more than 130 major work licenses (the majority) and first occupation licenses that are part of the complaint filed.
The origin
The Arona 2 case comes to court on December 5, 2008, when Arcadio Rodríguez Valentín filed the complaint, who did so in a personal capacity and on behalf of the group he presided over, the European Association for Citizen Participation Tenerife South. The car reflects around 130 planning licenses on which the judge perceives signs of irregularity in their granting, although he refrains from issuing a legal qualification of the facts.
The more than 130 licenses investigated in the preliminary proceedings that are now closed were approved between December 15, 2006 and May 20, 2011 in the course of 66 sessions of the Arona Local Government Board, although they had place in different mandates although with the same mayor, the nationalist José Alberto González, disqualified in the Arona case.
On May 27, 2007, municipal elections were held, Then the Canary Coalition obtained the absolute majority, after the agreement with the Popular Party and Center of Arona (CAN) in the period 2003-2007. Between December 15 of this last year and that day, the Local Government Board met 19 times and the judge investigated 42 licenses of which 31 corresponded to major work and all of them had a “report from the unfavorable Urban Planning service ».
December 5, 2008 was when Arcadio Rodríguez, a neighbor and member of a group, filed the complaint that gave rise to this summary, when the Arona case was underway.
Several are dismissed
In the same car, the judge determines the provisional dismissal of another 17 first occupation licenses granted by the same body during the same period. To do this, it argues the existence of “legal doubts” motivated by a judgment of the Supreme Court taken as a reference (in most cases), doubts that there is non-compliance (in some) and the correct use of the emergency procedure to grant it.
It should be remembered that the Court of First Instance number 4 of Arona divided the one known as the Arona 2 case. On the one hand, it focused on the approval of the General Management Plan (PGO) «contrary to the provisions of the technical reports and / or legal “; on the other, in the approval of these licenses in contravention of legal or regulatory procedures. 22 councilors and former councilors will testify before the judge for alleged crimes against the planning of the territory and prevarication in the framework of the proceedings.
The judge determines, in the same order, the dismissal of a set of licenses, all of them of first occupation, due to the existence of legal doubts, in most of them.