The public company Promotur Turismo de Islas Canarias, dependent on the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce of the Government of the Canary Islands, will have an initial budget of 21,217,888 euros for the financial year 2022, by virtue of the accounts approved this Monday by the Council Administration of the company, which was chaired by the Minister of Tourism, Yaiza Castilla.
This budget for Promotur Turismo de Islas Canarias will initially be 21,087,888 million euros, plus 130,000 from two management assignments already contemplated.
However, and despite the fact that the budget approved for the entity last March for the current fiscal year was 38.9 million, the accounts authorized in the Council will not de facto imply a reduction in the economic capacity of Promotur, since this budget is foreseen is notably increased with an additional 64.9 million euros, which will be managed by projects supported within the European Next Generation program and, specifically, two of its instruments: the Canary Islands Tourism Resilience Strategy Plan and the React-EU funds .
From the latter, the public company of Tourism of the Canary Islands will receive a contribution already in this year 2021 and with the majority execution in 2022 of 39.9 million euros from the Recovery Aid package for Cohesion and the Territories of Europe (React- EU), two million of which already has a commitment to spend in 2021 and the remaining 37.9 will be for management next year.
In addition, Promotur aspires to manage another 27 million euros in the next year under the Canary Islands Tourism Resilience Strategy Plan, corresponding to the 2021 and 2022 annuities and pending the signing of the agreement with the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism in accordance with the proposals for action lines already submitted to the central Executive.
These lines of action focus on diversification and innovation, connectivity and promotion.
Yaiza Castilla highlighted in her speech at the Board of Directors of Promotur the importance of having a larger budget at a key moment, in order to face the recovery of the sector, after the greatest crisis in its history, and its transformation towards a more model resilient, sustainable and sovereign.
According to the explanatory memorandum of the 2022 budget of this public company, the serious pandemic caused by Covid-19 and which profoundly affected Canarian tourism activity, has since forced a reformulation of the strategic objectives of Promotur as a dynamic agent of the public-private tourism ecosystem of the islands.
Thus, 2022 is considered “as a crucial period not only for Canarian tourism which, as we have seen, faces a new tourism cycle still from uncertainty and with many demanding transformative challenges ahead; but also, from the entity’s perspective , in the redefinition, already advanced since the end of 2020 and during 2021, of its purpose and the efficient alignment of its resources and activities based on its new role as a catalyst instrument for the intended and necessary transformation of the tourism model of the islands “, details.
The new strategic framework for the period 2022-2024 establishes, in this sense, as objectives to contribute to increasing the capacity for prevention and adaptation of the Canarian tourism model in the face of the changes that are to come; promoting increased commitment to reducing carbon emissions from all activities related to tourism and enhancing the capacity of Canarian tourism to generate value for other sectors and enhancing its capacity for innovation.
The different lines of action focused on promotion, digitization, connectivity, tourism intelligence, environmental sustainability, product improvement, cooperation and co-governance, and social awareness about the importance of this sector.