In Los Silos excess fluoride affects the entire Erjos population, while in Buenavista It is limited to Las Portelas, El Palmar and Teno, in both cases for the population of all ages, as reported the General Directorate of Public Health. Other areas where the restriction is in force for all residents are La Florida, Cueva del Viento, Lomo Las Lajas, La Patita and Los Piquetes, in Icod de los Vinos, and the nucleus of San José de los Llanos, in El Tanque.
The problem is limited to children under 8 years of age in La Vera, Las Rosas, Lomo Guanche, San José, Los Quevedos, El Rosario, Fuente del Bardo and part of the town, in San Juan de la Rambla; the helmet, San Felipe and San Marcos, in Icod de los Vinos, and Erjos, Ruigómez, Barrio Nuevo and Cruz Grande, in the town of The tank.
Restrictions have increased from six to eight towns in the region in the last two months
The City of La Victoria made public this Friday an announcement in which it informs that “due to the exceeding of the legal maximum value of fluorides, the competent health authority has classified the water as not suitable for human consumption, so that water from the public network for drinking or preparing food, especially those for children under eight years of age in the streets El Pino (intersection Horno La Teja-Plaza), Pérez Díaz (from the City Hall area), Sanabria, Pedrera, Matosa Alta and Baja, Domingo Salazar, Bajos (low area), Carretera Vieja, Santo Domingo, Camino El Mar, Adela Hernández, La Munda and La Mulata; the La Palmita Urbanization, and the general road from the descent of the institute to the Puente del Rey ». In addition, the restrictions for children under 8 years of age continue in La Vera, Carril, Los Altos and Los Arroyos.
The victorious mayor, Juan Antonio García Abreu (PSOE), assures EL DÍA that “the affected area is the one that is supplied by reservoir number 4, due to the imbalance that occurred in the water mixtures when the extraction of the 4-Way Well, located on the border with La Matanza, was stopped. the replacement of a pump ‘. The initial forecast is that the restriction will last a week, although the mayor is confident that this initial term can be significantly shortened.
The reason that leads to the General Directorate of Public Health, which depends on the Canary Islands Health Service, to recommend that tap water not be consumed in these areas of the North is that excess fluoride can cause a disease known as dental fluorosis, which produces permanent stains on the teeth. In addition, if the fluoride concentrations are very high in the water for human consumption and this is ingested continuously and for long periods of time, it can affect the bone tissue, cause stiffening of the bones and loss of mobility.