AronaMedia has proven to be a success since its launch in 2017. It is a resource that addresses those conflicts in which it is possible to solve them in a collaborative, open and, therefore, preventive way.
Family conflicts and with elderly people in a situation of dependency (care for the elderly, problems between parents …); Home rental difficulties derived from the pandemic, such as eviction negotiations and debt deferrals, and problems between neighbors caused by noise, pets, adjoining land or parking are the most numerous cases attended by the mediation program.
AronaMedia has been a very useful instrument to propose solutions to different problems, trying to prevent them from becoming encrusted. The method they apply for this is address them in a proactive and participatory manner,l time they create an environment in which citizens find an effective, fast and free alternative to conflictive situations without having to resort to other, more expeditious ways to reach an agreement.
The mayor of Arona, José Julián Mena, underlines the good functioning of this tool that began its implementation in 2017. «Since then it has been evidenced that this change in culture, this way of approaching problems from the perspective of dialogue and mediation, provides more constructive solutions for all citizens, “says the councilor, who defends its continuity based on the results obtained.
For his part, Juan Diego Betancor, manager of the General Foundation of the University of La Laguna, pointed out that the renewal of the AronaMedia agreement «is the demonstration that we are very satisfied with this project, that allows residents of Arona to have an efficient alternative, under the principles of transparency, confidentiality and neutrality, to solve certain conflicts “.
Along the same lines, the councilor responsible for Citizen Participation, Ruth Lorenzo, stressed that “this program has had an important reception since its inception.” It highlights the fact that its objective is to resolve conflicts “through communication and understanding”, which “makes the people who use AronaMedia reach a consensus in a collaborative way among all the parties involved, thus benefiting everyone” .